Guided Meditation Audio’s

Get into a comfortable meditation position or seat, and choose a guided meditation below.

Hit play, and enjoy :)

This 6 min guided meditation will help your calm your mind at the end of the day. Allow your thoughts to pass, and feel grounded in your body.

This 10 min meditation takes you through a cord cutting ritual to rid yourself of energetic ties to past relationships. In yogic philosophy, “cords” are energetic connections that tie your energy centers (chakras) with someone else’s. Energetic cords typically form between you and your intimate partners. You can do this multiple times for the same relationship, and you can go back as far as you'd like in your life. Be ready to invite a new sense of freedom into your life <3

This 12 min meditation helps to calm anxious thoughts by focusing on your breath.

This 15 min guided meditation brings you on a journey to meet your higher self and build trust in your own intuition.

30-Day Meditation Challenge

Introduction & sample meditation for the 30 Day Meditation Challenge

This is a perfect guided meditation for when you feel anxious, stressed out, or just not grounded or present.

A consistent meditation practice can benefit your overall mental and physical wellbeing, so we're doing a 30 Day Meditation Challenge!

Each day you'll get a new meditation audio that begins with a breathing technique and leads into a guided meditation with a mantra (positive affirmation). When your body's sympathetic nervous system is activated, "Fight or Flight" mode sets in, which makes it difficult to relax. When you are in this heightened state, you can use this simple breathing technique to help get you back into "Rest & Digest" mode, when your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This will put you in a better state to enjoy your life in the present moment.

Try the 30-Day Meditation Challenge below. Try a new one each day, and come back to your favorites when you need them :)